August 6, 2012

Dead end

Ok, this is what srsly is doing my fucking head in. Right before my son was borne I get told that my job contract will not by renewed (six month contracts,3rd time renewal). I’ve done 150% for this company, the guy you can come to and ask for help, with anything. Need a paper or a mail translated? Four languages, bring it on, I’ll help. You got a lot of work? Give me some of your load(pun unintended), I’ll learn how to do this and help you out...etc...
Now HQ says we have to drop some people, I’m good at what I do, knowledgeable of company procedures in general, have the best English skills in the company (should mean a lot in a country where most of the companies are owned by foreign kings) and despite of all of that, they are trying to replace me?
Don’t know who is pulling the strings on this, everything in this company is like fucking knives and daggers. My contract finishes on the 31st of august and I can’t find a job (unemployed rate in this country- 10%), and because I have been a lazy-ass-junkie-teenager as I have mentioned previously, I still don’t have higher education, meaning that most employers will not give a job to me even though I have a long list of experience. And I’m NOT going back to being a barman for shity money, and no way in hell that I’ll go for a process worker job again. Last time that happened, not good, alcohol, back to drugs, depression, insomnia...hell no... but I have to provide for my family...shit...
Anyways, I’ve tried everything I could to hang on to this job, but from what I gather, the executive manager of the company has something against me. Is it the tattoos? Is it because I don‘t wear a business outfit? Fuck that,,,
When I see him (EM) though, he’s as polite as if all is fine (he even addresses me formally). Only two things I can do now: Confront him in his top-of-the-castle office, let him know what’s what and see if there is any heart or brain in his body, and keep sending CV’s to potential employers.
I’m training to be a tattoo artist, yes, the tattoo studio belongs to my mother (mom’s also my tutor), but,,,she’s on a whole different level and I have to get at least close to that level to start as a professional. Might take another year...
Not good, not good...  any advice? Anyone? You, maybe you?


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